Ministry Distinctives


Masters Arts in Christian Education

"The Master of Arts in Christian Education degree is designed to prepare students for teaching, leading, and discipleship roles in local church and parachurch ministries."


Ministry Distinctive Artifacts

1. Personal Philosophy of Education Paper:

2. Capstone Doctrinal Synthesis:

3. Trinitarian Project

Reflection Statement

    I have demonstrated above academic proficiency in various areas of my ministry degree.  During my degree I gained valuable insights, not only about the subjects I studied but also about myself. Often, I find myself diving deeply into topics that I’m passionate about. However, this journey has also taught me the importance of disciplined study, even in areas that may not immediately interest me. These studies have shaped me both academically and spiritually, broadening my perspective as a leader.

     Another lesson from my academic experience, in the area of education, is learning how to communicate and teach effectively. Education isn’t just about delivering information or creating a well-structured PowerPoint presentation, it’s about truly connecting with people. Studying how Christ communicated through stories and other methods has transformed my approach to teaching and ministry.  This shift in perspective has also changed the way I prepare for lessons, sermons, and teachings. In the past, I would design lessons based on what I thought would be helpful. Now, I am more intentional about understanding the specific needs of the people I am serving. This change has helped me grow in my ability to teach in a way that is both relevant and impactful to those I am teaching.

     My studies have deepened my appreciation for Christian church history and theology, which I had not thought much about before. Rather than relying solely on popular speakers and modern theologians, I have explored the rich heritage of Christian thought throughout history. This has provided me with a historical understanding of theology and leadership.   These lessons are reflected in my personal philosophy of education paper, where I emphasize that education is rooted in discipleship and relationships. Similarly, my doctrinal synthesis project allowed me to clearly define the foundation of my beliefs and articulate where I stand theologically.

     One of my final artifacts was a video in which I created a Celtic knot out of wood to illustrate the concept of the Trinity. Through this project, I came to a deeper understanding of how essential the Trinity is, not only to theology, but also to salvation and how we interact with others in ministry.

    These are just a few of the many things I have learned throughout my degree. This journey has challenged and shaped me in ways I never expected, strengthening both my academic knowledge and my ability to serve effectively in ministry.

Life Long Development Statement

     As a result of the academic experiences documented by these artifacts, I will continue to develop my leadership by strengthening my discipline in study, both in personal interests and foundational theological topics. I will engage with historical and contemporary Christian thinkers to enrich my understanding. Additionally, I will continue to work on my ability to teach by focusing on relationships and discipleship. This will ensure my communication is both engaging and transformative. I will also be more intentional in lesson preparation, focusing on the specific needs of those I serve. Finally, I will continue refining my doctrinal foundation, recognizing that theological growth is lifelong, equipping me to lead, teach, and disciple with greater wisdom and clarity.

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