Communication Competency
“The student is able to effectively communicate biblical and theological truth by a variety of means for personal and corporate transformation.”
Because I desire to grow in my ability to communicate…
I will learn to speak in 3 different contexts on different topics with a focus on preparation and practice.
1. I will find three different opportunities both religious and secular to speak on varying topics.
2. I will use different techniques learned from a text to implement into my speaking.
3. I will spend time practicing in front of someone and getting their feedback.
4. I will present and seek feedback after my presentation.
1. I will interview three speakers on the way they speak and implement the things I learn.
2. I will read a book on communication skills.
I will speak three times by the end of March 2025.
Communication Artifacts
1. Sermon on 1 Timothy
2. Talk done in the youth group:
3. Feedback from a presentation on Personalities at a Local Business
"The LivStyle assessment is a powerful tool in our HR toolbox. It allows us to make data-driven hiring decisions, identify "best fit" candidates for specific roles, assess skills and abilities, and ultimately improve the quality of our workforce. This has led to increased productivity and an overall organizational improvement for us in a relatively short period of time." Josh Howard spoke professionally understanding all our unique needs.
Ryan (CEO Southland Services)
Reflection Statement
As I look back on, the areas where I grew in communication, I really enjoyed the opportunity to speak in a number of different settings, speaking in a Christian context, both in the preaching and in a youth ministry talk. I also had an opportunity to speak in a non-Christian setting in a local company.
It was very interesting to speak on different topics and also think through the words and phrasing I use when I'm speaking to adults, to middle schoolers. Speaking to people in a non-Christian setting was interesting as I couldn't use the same vocabulary I'm used to in my ministry setting.
I chose to develop my skills by looking for different opportunities to speak in these different contexts. I also used different techniques for communicating. One of the techniques I used with the youth was implementing a lot of props for them to work with as I taught them. I worked on a PowerPoint presentation for speaking in the company.
The other area that I wanted to work on was understanding how other people speak, through interviewing speakers I respect. I spoke to a local pastor who gave some very good feedback on how to approach understanding what people need to hear. Another person I spoke to was Clay Scroggins. I asked him about how to move from speaking in the Christian world to the secular world and communicate in a way that represents Christ. I learned how to understand their needs and communicate like Christ without being pushy . This was a really eye-opening conversation with him.
In terms of reading the book on communication skills, I didn't get a chance to do that with all the other things I was doing. But I believe that trying different techniques and being able to do these interviews was very helpful.
Life Long Development Statement
As a result of these experiences, I plan to take every opportunity I have to grow in communication and establish effective feedback loops to improve my skills. Speaking in various settings such as preaching in church, leading youth ministry, and presenting in a corporate environment, has taught me the importance of adapting my language and approach based on the audience. I have practiced different techniques, such as using props for youth engagement and PowerPoint for corporate presentations which I plan to continue to develop. Additionally, interviewing experienced speakers has provided valuable insights on tailoring messages to different audiences. Moving forward, I will continue seeking diverse speaking opportunities, honing my methods, and gathering feedback to communicate more effectively in both Christian and secular settings.
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